Customize Unlimited Rating & Review Forms
Customize unlimited rating and review forms to presented after your customers have purchased or redeemed your eGifts or special offers. You can ask up to three questions and select the answer options they can choose from, and your customers can upload an image. Your 4 and 5 star reviews can easily be shared on your social media pages, and the reviews can be embedded to showcase on your website.
Your 4 & 5 Star Reviews Go To A Unique Thank You Page
The 4 & 5 star thank you page pulls in their comment if they wrote a review and presents your direct Google Review Link, and you can present other buttons that are linked to your social media pages like your Facebook, Yelp, etc. They are encouraged to copy their review and paste it on one of your social media pages. You can receive an email notification with a link to the review so it can be shared on any of your social media pages. Your can also automatically send them a special offer as a thank you.
Your 1-3 Star Reviews Go To A Unique Thank You Page
The 1-3 star reviews go to a "thank you for your review, and sorry for your negative experience" page. Your can also automatically send them a unique special offer that addresses their negative experience, in hopes of keeping their business moving forward.
Learn more about our other Primary Features
No two businesses are the same and may not use all of the eGiftia features, so let us customize your business profile and each feature for your business.